Creating Space for the Life You Deserve

The Clean Slate Living Company

Creating space for the life you deserve

Boss Babe Home Office

Helping this Boss Babe Mama create space for herself was truly an honor. This year, my client made the choice to declutter her home. She felt like she had been kicking ass in all areas of her life: her business, her marriage, her family, and her commitment to travel. Everything was ideal, except for her home. What had become the junk room for storing miscellaneous household stuff, used to be this business woman’s office for brainstorming, creating, and getting sh*t done! Her office had become a dumping place for everything in the house she was trying to hide when company was coming over, or the things she didn't know what to do with, or various items from her family. What made her situation even more stressful, is the fact that my client works from home! She had slowly been pushed out of her office by camping gear, miscellaneous papers, clothes, and toys, and had been relegated to the dining room table. This was just not okay! I needed to create space for the home-life my client deserved, a space that reflected her success and happiness in other areas of her life. 


After major sorting of papers, returning camping gear to the garage, and items to various family members, her office was hers again! It took about 6 hours of sorting, culling, and finding a home for things that needed to stay. I am so happy my client has her own space to be the BOSS she is! She feels like she can breathe again. Her paperwork is finally organized, her desk is cleared, she has a place to sit, AND she can use her record player since it's not buried under stuff anymore.  Let the music play! 


The best part of this project? After organizing and sorting her paperwork, she and her daughter were able to explore old adoption papers, and they found her daughter’s Birth Mom’s name!  Her daughter was elated with the discovery. They are now on a now journey together to discover more about her daughter’s biological mother, and her heritage. Decluttering can be truly magical, and lead to things you never thought possible. I always say, “The bigger the mess, the bigger the transformation.”  In this case, it was, “The bigger the pile, the more discoveries lay waiting to be uncovered!” What discoveries lay waiting for you?

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