Creating Space for the Life You Deserve

The Clean Slate Living Company

Creating space for the life you deserve

Finding a Fashionista

Closets are crucial! We all use them each morning at the start of our day. Knowing where your clothes are, what’s clean, and what fabulous pieces you have can be the difference between feeling great all day, or feeling disheveled and unkempt. 

For this project, my client had reached a point where she just didn’t want to fold anything anymore. And, really, who does?! What happened though, was a huge pile of all her clothes had accumulated on the floor of her closet. Clean, dirty, hanging or folding, it all ended up on the floor. In order to accommodate my client’s schedule, and what she was willing to do, I made it so that every single item in her closet could be hung, or thrown (unfolded) into a basket. Undies and socks each got their own basket, and everything else was png a beautiful velvet hanger. Folding problem solved!

When organizing, whether it’s a closet or a kitchen, the most important part is creating a plan, and a space, that suits you personally. Be honest about what you are willing to do day-to-day, and work with that as your base. Build a system that you can follow and maintain. Nothing is insurmountable! Not even a closet without any folded clothes!

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